SudoBot System Configuration

SudoBot's behavior can be customized using a comprehensive system configuration schema. This document provides an overview of key configuration options and how to tailor the bot to your needs.


The system configuration for SudoBot is defined using TypeScript and the zod library. The configuration schema provides a structured way to set various options, allowing you to customize the bot's behavior according to your preferences.

Configuration Schema

The SystemConfigSchema defines the entire system configuration. Refer to this file for detailed information on each configuration option.


Customize emojis used by the bot. The emojis configuration allows you to set specific emoji strings for different purposes within the bot.

System Admins

Specify users with system admin privileges using the system_admins configuration. Users in this list have elevated access to manage and configure the bot.


Configure snippet-related settings using the snippets configuration. This includes options like saving attachments with snippets.


Set the bot's name, status, and activity type using the presence configuration. Define the bot's online status, custom status message, and activity type.


Customize command-related options using the commands configuration. For example, enable or disable the mention prefix for commands.


Enable logging and specify channels for logs with the logging configuration. This section includes options to control various aspects of logging within the bot.

API Status

The api configuration provides information about the bot's API status. Check the operational status of the server and view related details such as server status and description.


The extensions configuration allows you to control the default mode for extensions. Specify whether to enable or disable all extensions by default.

Log Server

Configure the log server using the log_server configuration. Options include enabling and auto-starting the log server.

Debug Mode

Enable or disable debug mode with the debug_mode configuration. Debug mode provides additional logging and information helpful for troubleshooting.